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About Us

Taylor Industries, LLC was established in 1982 by Clayton W. Taylor. Clayton Taylor is a Civil Engineer by education but his life’s work has been in the chemical industry. His first experience was at Columbia Southern, then PPG Chemicals and later Field Industries.

Taylor Industries is located in central Mississippi on a five acre site with a large mixing capacity. Over the years, Taylor Industries has built a reputation of providing innovation formulations that deliver effective results at a reasonable cost. We don’t just offer “off the shelf” products. We custom-blend products to suit your particular needs. If you need a product to perform in a specialized environment, contact us to discuss your requirements.

Our products have been proven effective in food processing plants, plywood mills, paper mills, automotive factories, schools, hospitals, government facilities, military bases and municipal waste water facilities. We offer our clients exporting expertise, bulk delivery systems, tote tanks, drums and pails. We also make ourselves available on a consulting basis if needed.

Use our contact page if you need additional information.


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